So two weeks ago my wonderful, yet more than anything annoying, sibling graduated from the University of Birmingham. Yep we both decided to study in the city of Birmingham, except you know he went to the better uni. We actually had one year where we lived in the city together (different flats obviously) so we did see each other often. So after 4 years of what he would call hard work, he finally graduated and I took the day off, work up earlier than I even do for work (not that it made a difference, we still got there by the skin of our teeth) and went to see him graduate!
It was a great ceremony and the hall was beautiful. The hall actually belongs to the University of Birmingham, and with them being a rival to my uni (I jest) I did feel a little triumphant sitting there being an Aston Alumni. Anyway I do love graduations, I find they are a bit like airports, just full of genuine emotion. So many proud parents, cheers, and tears! I snapped some pictures, but truth be told I didn't actually get any good ones of my brother or anything else really, but I thought the hall was so pretty that I just had to share!
(I took because I thought the crest was pretty)
It was lovely to see Birmingham again and I got to see the outside of my uni and some of the places I used to go when I as uni there. I didn't feel sad because most people will know that uni wasn't the best time of my life, but it was still nice to go back for the day. It also reminded me that it's been 2 years since I graduated, wow wow wow. Kind of a good time for me to be starting a new job and well hopefully my career!
Ah my old uni! That hall is quite beautiful but also quite daunting. This is because I had some of my finals in there and it was daunting knowing that so many people before me would have had exams in there and then graduated in there too. I do miss uni - but certainly not the exams and studying. Congrats on your brother Sandra! Sounds like a lovely day out - nothing like a bit of UOB VS Aston rivalry eh? Least it wasn't BCU! xx