November - music picks

26 November 2015

I thought I'd sneak this post in because I've found four song in November that I really love and have just been on repeat. I won't even try and make this a regular series, because most of the music I listen to is nothing spectacular but I think these tracks are just aaaamaaaazing.

Sephora Haul

22 November 2015

Now before we begin, my bestie got these from me on her recent trip to Dubai. Sadly, my feet haven't left London, let alone England since I got back from Ibiza :( So whilst she was there I got her to pick me up a couple of things that I've seen floating around on blogs and YouTube. I probably got this about two weeks ago, so whilst it's a haul post, I will also do first impressions on some of these.

I've heard so much about Sephora's own range through YouTube and I'm so gutted that when I lived in Italy about 3 years ago that I was not interested in make-up or skincare (I probably saved myself a fortune though). So I decided that I really wanted some of their own brand as it was something I certainly couldn't get over here. I know you can order Sephora online but I really don't want to - I don't even know if their own brand ships to the UK. 

Party season outfit ideas

15 November 2015

I have not blogged in forever! It's a combination of not having anything to blog about and not having the time to blog. My workplace has announced the date of the Christmas party and it has sent me into panic mode! First of all it makes me realise I need to stop inhaling all sorts of crap, but second reason for my panic is finding something to wear! So I’ve been doing some searching here and there but really most of these I have discovered because they’ve landed in my inbox from certain brands. I’m mainly looking for a dress because I find them easier to work with, but I have found some cute tops/bottoms.

November Book List

4 November 2015

This is a couple days late but I have been suffering since Halloween and could barely lift my head let alone type out a whole blog post.

So October has come and gone and I managed to read four books! *fist pump* I'm not sure how this happened, but I suspect it's due to the fact that I just seem to get through real books rather than the ones on the Kindle. I did however read a book on the Kindle because after I finished my last book, I remembered that I had purchased The Cuckoo's Calling when it was like 99p so I went off to read that before ordering some more books.

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