My NYC trip

30 May 2016

So I wanted to share a few snaps that showed my trip to New York. I've decided not to do a rundown of what we did on different days (I'm sure are things that I shouldn't even mention) but I will split the pictures by location/activity. I absolutely loved New York and I felt so fortunate to be able to celebrate my birthday there with some wonderful friends - I seriously cannot wait to go back! There was so much that I didn't do so another trip will have to be on the cards!

My birthday! 

Times Square

Empire State Building

American Museum of Natural History
I spent the morning of my birthday here - I felt like a little kid but I absolutely loved the place. 


Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty

The ones that don't fit in anywhere else

This had me and my friend in stiches

On our first night we stumbled across this place called The Blind Barber

View from the hotel room opposite the memorial centre

Last drink in New York at The Rum House

Yankee Stadium

So that's my trip - 5 epic days of no sleep, loads of walking and feeling really blessed.

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