Updates & Apologies

19 December 2014

I’d like to apologise for the lack of content on my blog, I’m sure no one cares but man oh man December has been a rubbish one. For the first week my depression set in and quite frankly everything became difficult and I didn’t find anything enjoyable. I then I had my work Christmas party and then managed to get the flu, which basically left me stuck in bed for three days. So literally for the first twelve days of December I was a miserable fucker.

All of the stuff I had planned for December seems to be a bit too late to post now, so right now I am focusing on what sort of stuff I want to post in January! The post with my friend’s crackers was meant to be up ages before it was posted but for reasons listed above it wasn’t. Sorry that all the above sounds like a moan, but it's only been this week that I've actually felt better physically and mentally, so I'm just getting it out there. 

That’s all from me. I do have a couple of posts planned before the end of the year, but they won't be festive ones as I am not a Christmas person. I hope everyone has a good weekend! 

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